News Article
3RD Chance Lottery at KenJo Markets
Below is the Original Post back in 2011 for our 3rd Chance Lottery. WOW! How things have grown and changed. What Started out as a Summer time promo has grown to an unprecedented 2 times a Year / Every Year since, Give-A-Way of the Biggest Lottery Ticket Prize in the Market. If you haven't played yet, No worries, We are doing it AGAIN this Year. We will have another Summer and Christmas Winner of the GRAND Prize but also we will be giving away MONTHLY Store Qualifier winnings of $5 (tickets) and Monthly WHOLE BOOK winners. Good Luck and thank you to ALL who have made this such a huge success!
Starting today and EVERYDAY this summer play the 3rd CHANCE LOTTERY at all KENJO MARKET LOCATIONS. Enter all instant and online tickets (read rules for addtional instructions) in the collection boxes at each KenJo and every month ONE lucky winner will win a whole pack of Tickets. At the end of the summer- SOMEONE IS GOING TO WIN 17 packs of unopened Tickets- THEIR CHOICE of which one. Thats over $5,000 worth of lottery tickets and many many chances at ALL the Big PRIZES !!! Play TODAY and EVERYDAY at KenJo Markets. Can you think of a better place to play and win???

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